Title: Volleyball Skills Camp
Description: Coach Peter Luong will run this end-of-summer training session to prep for school volleyball or start your skills development for next season! Course will include 5 days of training, using 2 hours per day to get the most jump for your buck! North Kitsap area gyms.
Dates & Times:
5/6th Grade Girls, Mon-Thu, Jul 14-17, 12noon-2pm
7/8th Grade Girls, Mon-Thu, Jul 14-17, 2:30-4:30p
5/6th Grade Girls, Mon-Thu, Aug 11-14, 12noon-2pm
7/8th Grade Girls, Mon-Thu, Aug 11-14, 2:30-4:30pm
Coach: Peter Luong
Location: North Kitsap area gyms - a specific location has not been determined yet.
Category: Camps
Grades: 5-8
Cost: $89
Online Registration: https://secure.rec1.com/WA/poulsbo-parks-recreation/